Town of Greenwich - Commission on Aging
Government Offices-City, Village & Twp
About Us
Commission on Aging:
Manages the Greenwich Senior Center.
Advocates on behalf of older adult residents, as a class, in the Town of Greenwich.
Identifies unmet needs of older adults, conducts research and collects data.
Provides information to the community on the needs of older adults, serves as a clearing house for disseminating information and providing education on issues affecting older adults and caregivers.
Facilitates information on programs and benefits, as well as referral to services.
Convenes meetings and serves as a forum for issues concerning older adults, as a class.
Establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with community, professional and governmental agencies.
Administers Medicare & Health Insurance Counseling and Share-the-Fare Taxi Voucher program.
Publishes the Resource Guide for Older Adults and coordinates the Aging Well series and Caregivers Circle program.
Works cooperatively with residents, Town Departments and Community Stakeholders on the designation of Greenwich as an Age and Dementia Friendly community.
The seven volunteer members of the Commission on Aging serve three-year terms. Commission members are nominated by the Board of Selectmen and appointed by the Representative Town Meeting.