Filling in the Blanks - Unite to Fight 5K
Let’s run out childhood hunger! Register today for Filling in the Blanks’ 5th Annual Unite to Fight 5K! Join FITB and unite against childhood hunger on April 2, 2023, Kids Fun Run- 8:15 am, Run/Walk- 8:45 am, Waveny Park, New Canaan, CT. Filling in the Blanks fights childhood hunger by providing children in need with meals on the weekends. They deliver weekly 4000+ Weekend Meal Bags in Fairfield and Westchester Counties and add new kids every week! The need for food is great, and this event will raise valuable funds to help Filling in the Blanks add 2000 more kids to their Weekend Meal Program. #unitetofight5k
To Register for the Unite to Fight 5k, go to: https://runsignup.com/Race/CT/NewCanaan/UnitetoFight
Date and Time
Sunday Apr 2, 2023
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Sunday, April 2nd - 8:00am - 11:00am
Waveny Park, 677 South Avenue, New Canaan, CT 06840
$35 per adult
$10 per child
Contact Information
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